Author: Chessfun
Date: 15:07:38 01/30/02
Go up one level in this thread
On January 30, 2002 at 17:18:21, Roy Eassa wrote: >On January 29, 2002 at 16:13:45, Roy Eassa wrote: > >>in the following position Black can play ...Re6 and be in >>very good shape (certainly not behind). However, Fritz 7b evaluates this >>position as being better for White by about 5 pawns: >> >>[d] 8/8/1p1r1k2/p1pRN1p1/P3K1P1/1P6/8/8 b - - 0 2 > >Re: So is this a BUG in Fritz 7b -- something that should be fixed? Something >that could easily be fixed without negatively impacting anything else to any >measurable degree? Not just Fritz 7b, infact most Fritz versions see white clearly winning. Sarah.
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