Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: UCI2Wb by Odd Gunnar Malin

Author: Odd Gunnar Malin

Date: 13:24:31 02/26/02

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On February 26, 2002 at 07:50:59, Matthias Gemuh wrote:

>On February 26, 2002 at 05:23:33, Odd Gunnar Malin wrote:
>>On February 26, 2002 at 05:06:04, Matthias Gemuh wrote:
>>>Hi Odd Gunnar [you will surely read this :-)],
>>>Your Wb2UCI is wonderful and you seem to be an adapter expert.
>>>Is it a great deal for you creating an UCI2Wb?
>>It already exists a free one, look at:
>>Odd Gunnar
>Oh, I forgot that I use this one in my engine-engine tournaments.
>It however crashes frequently under Win2000 Pro, if the game is remis.
>The crash is always friendly, displaying a message box but not
>interrupting the tournament.
>So if you have 5 spare minutes, maybe you could ... :).

Have you tried to send a mail to Roland?
Now that I own a uci-only engine (Shredder 6) this have some interest for me too
so I will do some testrun with the adapter and have logging on each end of it.
If I find something unexpected (crashes) I will send Roland a detailed bugreport
on this. I'm sure he would fix it.
This bug could also be OS/Machine depended so you could also make this test. If
the adapter don't have logging feature on each end you could use InBetween for
the logging.

Odd Gunnar

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