Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: What was Chess Challenger 7 thinking?

Author: Rich Van Gaasbeck

Date: 16:02:55 03/06/02

Go up one level in this thread

>I just looked at the game.  With 14...Qd7, Black would have been about equal.

My chess teacher asked people to bring in games in which the queen comes out too
early.  When CC7 played 3...Qf6 my objective changed from winning to trapping
the queen.  I should have just used the discovered attack the move before to
pick up a pawn, or kept advancing queenside pawns, but I just couldn't believe
that it would keep placing the queen where I could hit it with cheap threats.

>Trust me, if your rating is above about 1400 you should be able to get a winning
>position every time against this machine by move 14.

I'm not 1400, so that's why I gave it the chance to get its queen out and why I
let it fork my queen and rook with the knight.

>You gave it way too much
>respect.  I doubt that it can see 4 ply in the middlegame.  I would not be
>surprised if its nps was something like 50 (and with a terrible search

Maybe I'll the the 3 minute per move level.  Wonder how deep it looks then.


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