Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: What was Chess Challenger 7 thinking?

Author: James T. Walker

Date: 05:49:16 03/07/02

Go up one level in this thread

I never owned a Chess Challenger 7 but I did own the CC-10.  I'm probably one of
the few people who actually played it a "Correspondence Level game".  I usually
took about 2/3 minutes for my moves but once the machine took 7 days to move and
I was sure it was broke.  But it finally moved.  I think it did 6 ply max in the
Correspondence level.  The game took about 2 months and I think I still have the
game score stored somewhere.  It was funny because in the end the machine
actually tried to trick me into a stalemate position with a sac!

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