Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: I Think I have Chess Challenger 7 search depths correctly now

Author: Rich Van Gaasbeck

Date: 13:40:26 03/08/02

Go up one level in this thread

>CL1=5s, 2 plies
>CL2=15s, 3 plies
>CL4=20 minutes, 4 plies
>CL5=24 hours, 5 plies
>it means effective branching factors of 3,80 and 72.

You're right.  Those don't make sense.

What sort of branching factors would be reasonable?  For minimax, what do people
use 35?  I seem to recall for Alpha-Beta with ideal ordering you get 3 or 4?
There is no interative deepening, so it can't use previous values to sort moves.
 It has some idea of strong moves, since we know it does selective search on
some of the levels.  It's possible (given the year it was built and the rom
size) that it could be using a killer move for ordering.  What kind of effective
branching factor would that give?

Anyone else want to take a crack at matching search depths with times.  Guess I
didn't do a very good job :-).


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