Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Interesting... could have been better, though

Author: Slater Wold

Date: 01:14:21 04/03/02

Go up one level in this thread

On April 03, 2002 at 03:59:14, Tom Kerrigan wrote:

>On April 03, 2002 at 03:43:10, Slater Wold wrote:
>>They have 15 weeks, and most of them are not very skilled in C.  Remember, this
>>is a HD class.  Not a C class.  But I agree, I think they should have added more
>All the more reason for them to be thinking in terms of "how do I detect attacks
>with a grid of state machines" instead of "how do I implement a for loop in
>Verilog," but oh well...

Well, they'd have to read up on chess, and chess programming.  Something I am
sure none of them are interested in.  Full course load at CMU + reading chess
programming literature = F.  :D

BTW they do floorplan.  Taken from one of the teams, "Unfortunately, Max + Plus
II doesn't also provide a tool which can show you the logic visually. The
floorplan editor attempts to give a visual representation of how the logic is
mapped to LCELLS, but it is far from easy to understand, and not a great help
when debugging your design."

I got the feeling from several of the teams, the software they were given was
not the easiest to use or understand.  I will be using Synplify when I start my
project, but based on what I've read about Max + Plus, I will steer clear of
that program.

>>The class is Advanced Digital Design and basically it's a 15 week project, at
>>CMU.  From the class overview found at
>Jeez!!! I had no idea. Thanks for the link. How very flattering. :)


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