Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Strength of the engine in chess programs

Author: Rolf Tueschen

Date: 09:35:04 05/20/02

Go up one level in this thread

Albert Silver wrote:

"You declared me obtuse and
neurologically deficient on many occasions..."


"My memory of the arguments proposed on both sides is just fine."

Both phrases are related to a long debate on RGCC as you said.
You advised me to do some Google search because all has been clarified already.

So, then let me ask you just one question, Mr. Silver, would you have the time
to show me where I should have declared you "neurologically deficient"?

In computerchess I see many open questions, not only the question of books and
engines, is it you as a moderator here to define which topic could be discussed
or better not? If yes then I will accept but I won't let you go away with false
accusations in my direction. I did never attack you personally of being mentally
or neurologically (which is not existing at all as a notion) deficient. Or is it
for you the same if I said that you had not understood what I meant or wrote and
the insult above? I did never insult _anyone_ of being mentally deficient nor

I expect you to quote the Google quotation or to take back such incredible
accusations against me. Thank you.

Rolf Tueschen

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