Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: I would prefer that Rolf not be allowed into this group.

Author: Bruce Moreland

Date: 15:24:11 05/20/02

Go up one level in this thread

On May 20, 2002 at 16:42:08, Roy Eassa wrote:

>On May 20, 2002 at 16:07:58, Roger D Davis wrote:
>>Rolf is the reason that this forum was created. Let's please remove him as soon
>>as possible.
>What has he done wrong?
>Can you fill the newer among us in on the history of CCC (I've been here about
>1.5 years and do not know Rolf)?

In the beginning, there was  This group broke into several
pieces, including  I'm talking approximately 1995

A bunch of us used to share computer chess nonsense in those usenet groups.

Along about 1996 there was a big fiasco in r.g.c.c., and many people became
upset with Rolf.  Rather than giving you my take on it, I'll simply point out
that all of this is still available at

Anyway, around the time of the 1997 Paris WMCCC, CCC was founded by
approximately ten regulars if r.g.c.c., with Steve's support, in order to
provide a moderated forum which would allow us to have some recourse against
people who wanted to cause trouble.

I think it is completely fair to state that the main person we were trying to
get away from was Rolf.  I know for sure that at least half the members of that
founding group would have put him at the top of their list, and the rest may
have felt the same way.

I was a member of that founding group, and one of the things we discussed was
whether or not to ban Rolf from the beginning.  After some discussion we agreed
not to.  We figured that if he appeared and caused trouble, we could get rid of

Within a short time of the founding of CCC, there was an incident between one of
the founder's group members and Rolf, which took place outside of CCC.  At that
time, moderation decisions were made by a couple of moderators, but we still
discussed serious stuff as a group.

The group agreed, over opposition which I think it is fair to say was a definite
minority, and which included myself, to get rid of Rolf at that point.  I
immediately resigned from the founder's group.

Approximately a year later I was elected as a moderator and one of the points I
pushed was reinstatement of Rolf, and I got my way on this point.

As of that point, Rolf was reinstated as a full member of CCC, just like any
other member of CCC.

Rolf did not choose to make full use of his CCC membership until recently.

If someone wants to ban Rolf, it will be over my dead body.  I think that he
deserves to be treated like any other established member, which means that he
should be accorded the respect due anyone else, and if he messes up in some way
it shouldn't be an excuse to railroad him out of here.

If he causes trouble, please complain to the moderators.


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