Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Strength of the engine in chess programs (Summary of the debate)

Author: Rolf Tueschen

Date: 15:59:36 05/23/02

Go up one level in this thread

On May 23, 2002 at 18:00:04, José Carlos wrote:

>  I'll try to make my point again. My english is also not very good, and I'd
>prefer to discuss in spanish, but since a spanish-german debate would not be
>very useful, I'll try to say it in english.
>  If I understand you right (correct me if I'm wrong) you try to find a solution
>for the actual situation of FIDE refusing computers in official tournaments.

José, let me differentiate. My main idea resulted from the event in the
Netherlands' National where some players made a ridiculous protest. Tell me if
you don't know then I'll look for the links. Somewhere afterwards FIDE must have
banned computers. I do not know the exact reasons. Fact is they are banned. I
suppose because of the unfair situation. My next assumption is because of books
and tables. That is how it happened that I thout it a good idea to probe
possible changes in computerchess. I did not even think about the later problems
of how to interest FIDE and the like.

>you say (I'm not informed about this) that FIDE rejects programs because they
>say they cheat "reading" books.


>  Now, it is a very important point for the discussion whether you agree with
>FIDE or not. If you agree, then I'll try to exaplain why I think they're wrong.
>If you don't, then we should try to find a way to make them understand.

Fine. Thanks. Could we discuss both? Because I am neither totally this side nor
the opposite. What I want is to see a change. Look, even if FIDE is wrong, but
please do tell me why, we had to find solutions how we could change the
situation either in FIDE or CC. But please do tell me what could be changed in
CC. I think I saw you describing something about opening books that could make
them "fair" at least better than before.

Thanks so much.

Rolf Tueschen

>  José C.

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