Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: I have a vision

Author: Robert Henry Durrett

Date: 09:20:35 05/27/02

Go up one level in this thread

On May 20, 2002 at 18:25:49, Albert Silver wrote:


I won't restate that machines don't *compete* so you are
>basically try to outrace a fancy calculator no matter how much joy and emotional
>stress that may give you. You can do the same by racing automatic motorcycles.
>*You* may be competing, but it certainly is not. It's just a machine.
>                                           Albert

Well, there really is competition in that scenario.  But the competition is not
between the human and machine.  It is between the humans on each side of the
chessboard.  One side is a human chessplayer.  On the other side is the group of
humans including the programmers and owners of the chess computer, who have a
large stake in the outcome of the game.

Bob D.

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