Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: is the

Author: Tom Kerrigan

Date: 09:24:56 07/30/98

Go up one level in this thread

I don't know why you're so pissed off at Windows 95.

I use Win95 at home. It works perfectly. I think the last time it crashed was
sometime last week. My computer at work has crashed twice this week and it's
running NT 4.0 (and I don't stress it nearly as much, either).

I know a number of people who have problems with Win95. Almost every problem is
human error or hardware error. Maybe you should get somebody who's good with
computers to take a look at your setup.

I don't think you need a huge hash table to write a chess program. In fact,
simply having a hash table is the important part. A few megabytes is nearly as
good as a few gigabytes.


On July 30, 1998 at 06:42:09, Roberto Waldteufel wrote:

>Thanks - I'd do almost anything to get control over all my RAM. If I had only
>known how cr**  Windows95 was - at least for my purposes - I could have ordered
>NT at the outset. Is it a fairly painless affair to upgrade, or are there
>problems running 95 programs under NT? I can't hep being a little suspicious of
>anything from Microdoft after my unfortunate experiences with Windows95. There's
>another thing that is also annoying - Windows 95 seems to crash for no apparant
>reason periodically. It can't be just a fault in my program, because the same
>thing happens sometimes with all kinds of other unrelated applications.

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