Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: interesting move by Pharaon

Author: Dann Corbit

Date: 20:11:23 06/06/02

Go up one level in this thread

On June 06, 2002 at 20:41:42, Jon Dart wrote:

>This is a recent test game Arasan vs. Pharaon:
>[Event "?"]
>[Site "-"]
>[Date "2002.06.05"]
>[Round "?"]
>[White "Arasan 6.0"]
>[Black "Pharaon 2.62"]
>[Result "0-1"]
>[ECO "B33"]
>[TimeControl "1200+0"]
>1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 e6 5. Nc3 Nf6 6. Ndb5 d6
>7. Bf4 e5 8. Bg5 a6 9. Na3 b5 10. Nd5 Be7 11. Bxf6 Bxf6 12. c3 O-O
>13. Nc2 Bg5 14. a4 bxa4 15. Rxa4 a5 16. Bc4 Rb8 17. b3 Kh8 18. O-O f5
>19. exf5 Bxf5 20. Nce3 Bg6 21. Qg4 Rb7 22. Kh1 Rbf7 23. f3 Rb7
>24. Rfa1 Rb8 25. Qe6 e4 26. fxe4 Ne5 27. Rxa5 Bxe3 28. Nxe3 Bf7
>29. Qh3 Nxc4 30. Nxc4 Bxc4 31. Rh5 Bg8 32. b4 Qe8 33. e5 Rb5 34. Qh4
>Rxe5 35. Rxe5 Qxe5 36. Qe1 Ra8 37. Rc1 Qxe1+ 38. Rxe1 Ra3 39. Rc1 Bd5
>40. Kg1 Ra2 41. Rd1 Rxg2+ 42. Kf1 Bb3 43. Kxg2 Bxd1 44. b5 Ba4 45. b6
>Bc6+ 46. Kg3 Kg8 47. Kf4 Kf7 48. c4 Ke6 49. Ke3 Bb7 50. Kd4 Kd7
>51. Kd3 0-1 {White resigns}
>An interesting move here is 25 .. e4 from this position:
>[D] 1r1q1r1k/6pp/2npQ1b1/p2Np1b1/R1B5/1PP1NP2/6PP/R6K b - -
>Crafty 18.10 doesn't like this move:
> 25.     Qe6      e4
>                ({13:+0.33}  25. ... e4 26. fxe4 Ne5 27. Qh3 Bxe4 28. Rxa5 Nxc4
>29. Nxc4 Rf2 30. Qg4 Bxg2+ 31. Kg1 Bf3 32. Qf5 Rg2+ 33. Kf1 $14)
>                ({13:+0.00}  25. ... Be8 26. Qg4 Bg6 $10)
>                ({13:+0.00}  25. ... Bf7 26. Qg4 Bg6 $10)
>                ({13:+0.01}  25. ... Bxe3 26. Nxe3 Bf7 27. Qg4 Bxc4 28. Rxc4 Ne7
> 29. Ra3 Rf6 30. Rca4 Rc8 31. Nc4 Nd5 32. b4 Rf4 $10)
> 26.    fxe4     Ne5
> 27.    Rxa5
>                ({13:-1.06}  27. Rxa5 Bxe3 28. Nxe3 Bf7 29. Rxe5 Bxe6 30. Rxe6 Q
>g5 31. Re1 Rbd8 32. Nf5 Qd2 33. Rf1 Qxc3 34. Rxd6 Rxd6 35. Nxd6 Rxf1+ 36. Bxf1 Q
>xb3 $17)
>                ({13:-0.70}  27. Bf1 Rxb3 28. Rxa5 Bxe4 29. R5a4 Bg6 30. Ra8 Rb8
> 31. Rxb8 Qxb8 32. Kg1 Bxe3+ 33. Nxe3 Rf6 34. Qe7 Be4 $15)
>                ({13:-0.81}  27. Qh3 Nxc4 28. Rxc4 Rxb3 29. Nf5 Rb2 30. Qg4 h5 3
>1. Qf3 Rb5 32. Rd4 Bf6 33. Rda4 Bg5 $17)
>But notice that by move 27, it sees that as a result of e4 fxe4 Ne5, White can't
>do better than -0.70.
>Pharaon itself switches to e4, early but the score doesn't start to go up
>significantly for quite a while:
> 7.    -28    1   353770  e4 fxe4 Re8 Qh3 Bxe4 Nf5 h6
> 7->   -28    2   469433  e4 fxe4 Re8 Qh3 Bxe4 Nf5 h6
> 8.    -33    2   802767  e4 fxe4 Re8 Qh3 Bxe4 Nf5 Re5 Nde3
> 8.    -33    5  1573056  Be8!
> 8.    -33    5  1701477  Re8!
> 8->   -33    6  1934613  e4 fxe4 Re8 Qh3 Bxe4 Nf5 Re5 Nde3
> 9.    -19    7  2533726  e4 fxe4 Re8 Qg4 Bxe4 Rf1 Rb7 Nf5 Rf7
> 9->   -19    9  3059277  e4 fxe4 Re8 Qg4 Bxe4 Rf1 Rb7 Nf5 Rf7
>10.     -7   13  4968281  e4 fxe4 Re8 Qg4 Bxe4 Rf1 Re5 Qh3 Qe8 Nf4
>10->    -7   16  5944242  e4 fxe4 Re8 Qg4 Bxe4 Rf1 Re5 Qh3 Qe8 Nf4
>11.     -4   24  9099300  e4 fxe4 Re8 Qg4 Bxe4 Qh5 Rb7 Rd1 Re5 Ng4 Qe8
>11->    -4   31 11430433  e4 fxe4 Re8 Qg4 Bxe4 Qh5 Rb7 Rd1 Re5 Ng4 Qe8
>12.      8   81 30163019  e4 fxe4 Ne5 Qh3 Bxe4 Be2 Bxd5 Nxd5 Rf2 Bd3 Nxd3 Qxd3
>                          Rxb3 Rxa5
>12->     8   95 35602128  e4 fxe4 Ne5 Qh3 Bxe4
>13.     31  188 71214188  e4 fxe4 Ne5 Qh3 Bxe4 Qg3 Nxc4 Rxc4
>13->    31  215 81280627  e4 fxe4 Ne5 Qh3 Bxe4 Qg3 Nxc4 Rxc4
>14.     39  538 205827618  e4 fxe4
>(Scores here are + for a Black advantage, unlike Crafty: so the score at ply 14
>is 0.39 in Black's favor).
>So far I'm not sure if e4 is decisively the best move, or if there's a better
>defense to it. It is peculiar that both programs expect the PV e4 fxe4 Ne5 Qh3,
>but think (for a long while) that the score is even or + for White.

Yace dances to the beat of a different drum on this one:

1r1q1r1k/6pp/2npQ1b1/p2Np1b1/R1B5/1PP1NP2/6PP/R6K b - -
Stored 8 learned positions into hash table
no solutions
usetime = 998.00, mintime = 998.00 maxtime = 998.00 tl 998.00 ml 0
        11   0.015  -0.48  1t  1...Bxe3 2.Nxe3 {0}
        47   0.025  -0.40  1t  1...Bf4 2.Nxf4 Rxf4 {0}
        83   0.026  -0.35  1t  1...Rb7 {10}
       111   0.026  -0.35  1.  1...Rb7 {10}
       214   0.027  -0.36  2t  1...Rb7 2.R1a2 {10}
       626   0.029  -0.35  2t+ 1...Bf7 2.Qc8 {10}
       700   0.029  -0.35  2t  1...Bf7 2.Qg4 {10}
       823   0.030  -0.35  2.  1...Bf7 2.Qg4 {10}
      1241   0.032  -0.32  3t  1...Bf7 2.Qg4 Rb7 {10}
      1670   0.033  -0.31  3t+ 1...Bxe3 2.Nxe3 Qf6 3.Qe7 {0}
      2107   0.034  -0.28  3t  1...Bxe3 2.Nxe3 Qg5 3.Nd5 {0}
      2887   0.037  -0.28  3.  1...Bxe3 2.Nxe3 Qg5 3.Nd5 {0}
      7670   0.081  -0.23  4t  1...Bxe3 2.Nxe3 Qf6 3.Qd7 Qf4 4.Qxc6 {-340}
     10380   0.090  -0.23  4.  1...Bxe3 2.Nxe3 Qf6 3.Qd7 Qf4 4.Qxc6 {-340}
     17987   0.108  -0.24  5t  1...Bxe3 2.Nxe3 Bf7 3.Qg4 d5 4.Rd1 {0}
     29236   0.135  -0.24  5.  1...Bxe3 2.Nxe3 Bf7 3.Qg4 d5 4.Rd1 {0}
     72121   0.243  -0.24  6t  1...Bxe3 2.Nxe3 Rf6 3.Qd5 Qb6 4.Re1 Bf7 {0}
    120646   0.366  -0.23  6t+ 1...Rb7 2.Qg4 Bxe3 3.Nxe3 Qf6 4.Nd5H Qf5H {0}
    154612   0.453  -0.18  6t  1...Rb7 2.Qg4 Bxe3 3.Nxe3 Rf4 4.Qe6 Qf6 {0}
    262019   0.723  -0.18  6.  1...Rb7 2.Qg4 Bxe3 3.Nxe3 Rf4 4.Qe6 Qf6 {0}
    393755   1.050  -0.19  7t  1...Rb7 2.Qg4 Bxe3 3.Nxe3 Rf4 4.Qh3 Qd7 5.Be6
                               Rxa4 {500}
    696997   1.796  -0.18  7t+ 1...Be8 2.Qg4 Bxe3 3.Nxe3 Rf4 4.Qe6 Bf7 5.h3 {0}
    732862   1.916  -0.16  7t  1...Be8 2.Qg4 Bxe3 3.Nxe3 Rf4 4.Qh3 Qf6 {0}
    784447   2.052  -0.16  7.  1...Be8 2.Qg4 Bxe3 3.Nxe3 Rf4 4.Qh3 Qf6 {0}
   1606677   3.977  -0.02  8t  1...Be8 2.Rd1 Qd7 3.Qxd7 Bxd7 4.Raa1 Be6H
                               5.Nc7H Bxc4H {360}
   1973738   4.909  -0.02  8.  1...Be8 2.Rd1 Qd7 3.Qxd7 Bxd7 4.Raa1 Be6 5.Nc7
                               Bxc4 {360}
   3334159   7.849  -0.02  9t  1...Be8 2.Rd1 Qd7 3.Qxd7 Bxd7 4.Raa1 Be6 5.Nc7
                               Bxc4 6.Nxc4 Rxb3 {90}
   4430038  10.569  -0.02  9.  1...Be8 2.Rd1 Qd7 3.Qxd7 Bxd7 4.Raa1 Be6 5.Nc7
                               Bxc4 6.Nxc4 Rxb3 {90}
  11076219  25.503   0.00 10t  1...Be8 2.Rd1 Qd7 3.Qxd7 Bxd7 4.Ra3 Rb7 5.Ba6
                               Ra7 6.Bc4 Be6 {10}
  13970320  32.590   0.00 10.  1...Be8 2.Rd1 Qd7 3.Qxd7 Bxd7 4.Ra3 Rb7 5.Ba6
                               Ra7 6.Bc4 Be6 {10}
  35081019  1:23.0   0.00 11t  1...Be8 2.Qg4 Bf4 3.Qe6 Bg5 {10}
  47529084  1:53.9   0.00 11.  1...Be8 2.Qg4 Bf4 3.Qe6 Bg5 {10}
 104693396  4:16.4  -0.09 12t  1...Be8 2.Nf1 Ne7 3.Rxa5 Bf7 4.Qg4 Nxd5 5.Bxd5
                               Bxd5 6.Rxd5 Rxb3 7.Qe6 Re8 8.Qf7 {10}
 155616373  6:34.5  -0.09 12.  1...Be8 2.Nf1 Ne7 3.Rxa5 Bf7 4.Qg4 Nxd5 5.Bxd5
                               Bxd5 6.Rxd5 Rxb3 7.Qe6 Re8 8.Qf7 {10}
 277945119 11:38.5  -0.15 13t  1...Be8 2.Nf1 Bf7 3.Qg4 Be8 4.Qe4 Bf7 5.Qe2 Be6
                               6.Nd2 Rf7 7.Ne4 Rfb7 {10}
 396906776 16:37.9  -0.15 13u. 1...Be8 2.Nf1 Bf7 3.Qg4 Be8 4.Qe4 Bf7 5.Qe2 Be6
                               6.Nd2 Rf7 7.Ne4 Rfb7 {10}
396906776 Nodes, 37.23% Leavenodes, 397705 Nodes/sec
313485778 eval, 33.43% score, 1206526062 genmoves, 22.38% captures le 273/332
ext: pawn 37627, rcp 2370615, chk 3428911, repchk 493217, null 60205, prune
htable: 316622127 store, 0 rejected, 392817725 probe, 24.4% f/p, 30.2% f/s
entries 24999999 age 0 renew 0
egtb probes 0, found 0 max_depth 39
0 nodes, 0 leavenodes in 1092.66 sec 0 n/s
test nodes 0 win nodes 0 mate nodes 0
win time 0.00 mate time 0.00 av depth 0.000 (nm 0.000) maxdepth 39, tu 1017
log(win_nodes) = 0.00000 log(win_time) = 0.00000
white ( 1):

This page took 0 seconds to execute

Last modified: Thu, 15 Apr 21 08:11:13 -0700

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