Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Failing low at the root

Author: blass uri

Date: 06:57:53 08/03/98

Go up one level in this thread

On August 03, 1998 at 04:10:34, Guido Schimmels wrote:

>Getting a fail-low at the root is annoying, as we don't know what move to play
>for quite a while.
>There is in article by Schaeffer et al. ("Advances in alpha-beta searching")
>suggesting to restart the search in these cases (setting depth to 1 again),
>exploiting the benefits of a hash-table and finding a new best-move quickly.
>But nobody seems to use this, why ? (or am I wrong here ?).
>An important implementation detail not mentioned in this paper is, how to do the
>windowing up to the search depth we restarted from - if we do aspiration as
>normal isn't there a danger to get caught in an eternal restarting-loop ?
>- Guido -

I think fritz5 does something similiar.
I noticed that if fritz5 discovers a move it wants to play is a losing move it
needs only a short time to find a better move.

When other programs I know discover there is a big difference in the evaluation
of a move in depths x-1 and x because the move failed low they need a lot of
time to find a better move.


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