Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: WCCC 2002: Round 2 - WARP vs. DIEP /One diagram corrected

Author: Peter Berger

Date: 12:39:16 07/07/02

Go up one level in this thread

On July 07, 2002 at 15:34:59, Peter Berger wrote:

>You mentioned the next one, the awful 38. Qe8+?? which in my opinion already
>spoils the game to a draw ( although this would be very difficult to prove of

Got this one wrong, here is the correct one:

WARP - Diep
[D]7k/p3Qp1p/1p2n3/4nqP1/2P5/2P3R1/P5RP/3r2BK w - - 0 1

>This is probably an engine-specific problem, other engines probably have no
>problems here. Easiest looks Qf6+ with a sure win.
 and so on ..

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