Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Checks in the Qsearch

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 18:43:47 07/07/02

Go up one level in this thread

On July 07, 2002 at 16:47:33, Omid David wrote:

>On July 07, 2002 at 16:36:57, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>>On July 07, 2002 at 11:48:27, Omid David wrote:
>>>On July 06, 2002 at 23:23:28, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>>>>On July 06, 2002 at 22:29:44, Omid David wrote:
>>>>>On July 06, 2002 at 10:20:17, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>>>>>>On July 06, 2002 at 01:07:36, Ricardo Gibert wrote:
>>>>>>>Okay, but so what?
>>>>>>>>So perhaps the idea of "forward pruning" is foreign to us as well...
>>>>>>>I see no logical difference between deciding which moves are interesting and
>>>>>>>worth looking at and deciding which moves are not interesting and not worth
>>>>>>>looking at. It looks to me like 2 sides of the same coin, so your speculation
>>>>>>>that "perhaps the idea of "forward pruning" is foreign to us as well..." does
>>>>>>>not seem to be of any consequence.
>>>>>>However, that has been _the point_ of this entire thread:  Is DB's search
>>>>>>inferior because it does lots of extensions, but no forward pruning.  I
>>>>>>simply said "no, the two can be 100% equivalent".
>>>>>Just a quick point: The last winner of WCCC which *didn't* use forward pruning
>>>>>was Deep Thought in 1989. Since then, forward pruning programs won all WCCC
>>>>In 1992 no "supercomputer" played.  In 1995 deep thought had bad luck and lost
>>>>a game it probably wouldn't have lost had it been replayed 20 times.   No
>>>>"supercomputer" (those are the programs that likely relied more on extensions
>>>>than on forward pruning due to the hardware horsepower they had) has played
>>>>since 1995...
>>>>I'm not sure that means a lot, however.  IE I don't think that in 1995 fritz
>>>>was a wild forward pruner either unless you include null move.  Then you
>>>>would have to include a bunch of supercomputer programs including Cray Blitz
>>>>as almost all of us used null-move...
>>>I personally consider null-move pruning a form of forward pruning, at least with
>>>R > 1. I believe Cray Blitz used R = 1 at that time, right?
>>I believe that at that point (1989) everybody was using null-move with R=1.
>>It is certainly a form of forward pruning, by effect.
>Yes, and today most programs use at least R=2... The fact is that new ideas in
>null-move pruning didn't cause this change of attitude, just programmers
>accepted taking more risks!

I think it is more hardware related.  Murray Campbell mentioned R=2 in the
first null-move paper I ever read.  He tested with R=1, but mentioned that
R=2 "needs to be tested".  I think R=2 at 1980's speeds would absolutely
kill micros.  It might even kill some supercomputers.  Once the raw depth
with R=2 hits 11-12 plies minimum, the errors begin to disappear and it starts
to play reasonably.  But at 5-6-7 plies, forget about it.

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