Author: Pham Hong Nguyen
Date: 22:12:46 07/30/02
Go up one level in this thread
On July 30, 2002 at 23:00:47, James Swafford wrote: >On July 30, 2002 at 21:25:30, Ren Wu wrote: > >>You obvious know very little about chinese chess. >> >>Ren. > >Exactly where did he miss the mark? I really _do_ know very little >about Chinese Chess, and I'd like to hear you refute his remarks. > >-- >James Some his assuming (like King cannot help to check mate, easy to use Rook and Cannon to win) show that he doesn't know all rules and he has never played seriously any full game of CC. I believe that nobody, even very talent like him, with only few glances and tries, can understand totally what beautiful and hard aspects of a game are. If he invest his effort into CC or any other kind of game, I think he will gain huge success, but before doing/gaining anything, he should not assume much. BTW, I hate the idea to proof that game X is better/more difficult than game Y, then every programmers/players of game X are better/work harder than ones of game Y. It is realy funny.
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