Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Exact value of second best move in AlphaBeta with aspiration Window

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 06:32:08 08/01/02

Go up one level in this thread

On August 01, 2002 at 04:50:23, Martin Bauer wrote:

>Hello all,
>In want to detect position at the root node, where the best move is _much_
>better then all other moves. For Example, only 1 possibility for recapture the

Simple solution.  Search the recapture with the window (X,Y).  Search
the _other_ moves with the window (X-q, Y-q) where q is some large
constant (say 2.00).  If the best move is q better than the others,
the others will _still_ fail low.  If one is within q of the best move,
it will fail high...

Then you have to re-search with a different window, which will cost a lot of

This is basically the "test for singularity" in Hsu's singular extensions,
just applied specifically at the root...

>I am doing an AlphaBeta Search with aspiration window and calculate the while
>iterative deepening the first move with an 2 Pawnvalue Window, all the following
>moves with an zero window.
>My problem now ist, that I have an good value for the best move, but all other
>values are almost as good, as the best move, even if I expect the exact value of
>the best move to be _much_ better than all others.
>I think that comes from AlphaBeta, where it is enough to be lower than
>bestvalue, no interest in "how much", am I right?
>I there a poosibility to get a better Value at the root node for secondbest move
>with a specific searchdepth?
>while iterative deepening at the root node (for distance  := 1 to
>SearchDepth...) I want to ask something like this:
>IF (distance = 7) AND (BestValue < SecondBestValue+3*PawnValue) THEN dont waste
>to much time in thinking...
>But as I described, even if there is only 1 possibility to recapture a queen the
>values are close together, for exaple 900, 897, 995 ...
>any Ideas?

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