Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Chess Programmers -- take note: M. N. J. van Kervinck's Master's Thesis

Author: Sune Fischer

Date: 14:07:19 08/20/02

Go up one level in this thread

On August 20, 2002 at 15:45:29, Mogens Larsen wrote:

>On August 20, 2002 at 15:11:32, Sune Fischer wrote:
>>He quoted:
>>"A thesis for the Master's degree must show familiarity with previous work in
>>the field and must demonstrate ability to carry out research and to organize
>>To carry out research can mean different things in english, but since it also
>>mentions "familiarity with previous work" I assume doing research here means to
>>do _original_ science. You need to be able to do both of course, stand on the
>>shoulders of those before you _and_ take the next step.
>Not necessarily. The quotation resembles the general requirements to a masters
>degree in Denmark as well. There's no requirement of original work beyond
>demonstrating that you're familiar with topic and material with something
>resembling an independant thought process. You could say that the uniqueness of
>the presentation is, or can be, the actual research. Without reading the thesis
>in question, I suspect that it'll result in a master at any Danish university
>judging by the approach alone.

That is simply not true, the typical master here in Copenhagen takes 1 year.
It is a very big project, not something you do in two weeks.
You are expected to do experimental or theoretical work, write a thesis and most
need to defend the work in a master qolloqium.
A master is a mini Ph.D., except you do not have to publish and you have a
supervisor to help you. You will always get to do something unique (I've never
talked to someone that didn't), one year is simply too long for a copy/paste

You can find the rules here (danish only, couldn't find them in english):



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