Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Chess Programmers -- take note: M. N. J. van Kervinck's Master's Thesis

Author: Sune Fischer

Date: 15:38:15 08/20/02

Go up one level in this thread

On August 20, 2002 at 17:52:32, Andreas Guettinger wrote:

>On August 20, 2002 at 17:19:26, Russell Reagan wrote:
>>>On August 20, 2002 at 15:43:22, Sune Fischer wrote:
>>>>I have also done enough emotional damage to the author already I'm afraid and I
>>>>feel real bad about that, it was not my agenda in any way.
>>On August 20, 2002 at 16:06:01, Tony Werten wrote:
>>>I'll second that.
>>I'd be interested to know what your intentions were then...
>Probably just not look right at it. When the author of the thesis provides
>significant statistical data by playing hundreds of games with different engine
>algorithms i can not imagine how somebody can earnestly say its a pice of junk
>copied from the internet.

Well I wouldn't be able to pass if I turned that in as my masters project.
So if it isn't good enough to pass, then in my book it's junk, what else should
I call it?

In a different light, as a tutorial for chess, it is a great assembly of
information, no argument there.

Depends on how you look at it, it just doesn't meet the *standard* _I_ would
expect of a thesis (of course what my standard is must be rather irrelevant to
most people here).

If _your_ standard is lower (or perhaps you simply have no idea what to expect
of a thesis, perhaps you were even thrilled you could understand it:), then it
doesn't have to be junk in your eyes, of course.

>Science is about being able to use the theory in a
>practical model and then maybe come to new conclusions, although i think the
>conclusion part would be a bit arrogant for a graduating student.
>Anyway, I would sure look carefully a any new conclusions that are written in a
>masters thesis before I take it for granted. But I agree with most people here
>that the above thesis is quite interesting.
>Maybe some of us had a bit a bad day?

Yes, most certainly ;)



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