Computer Chess Club Archives





Author: Hannu Wegner

Date: 09:31:08 08/26/98

Go up one level in this thread

On August 26, 1998 at 09:19:53, Michael Borgstaedt (GOLIATH CHESS) wrote:

>On August 26, 1998 at 05:33:40, Djordje Vidanovic wrote:
>>On August 26, 1998 at 03:03:28, Manfred Meiler wrote:
>>>I've tried to download Little Goliath (3,2 MB as ZIP), but the result was an
>>>error (in german: Leider ist beim Laden des Dokuments ein Fehler aufgetreten).
>>>Can anyone help me ? Thanks !
>>>Manfred Meiler
>>Likewise.  Could not download, message said that access was denied.  Could the
>>author explain in what respect this engine was weakened as he calls it Little
>As far as I know, download from the upload directory is not possible.
>We have to wait till the operater will move the file into a "normal"
>Besides, I try to place the file at too.
>If you canĀ“t wait, please email me. I will send the file by email.
>Please use this adress:
>All information about (all) Goliaths are included within the file.
>Best regards
>M. Borgstaedt

What a surprice to hear something from Goliath again!? Is this version also
compatible to the auto232/chess 232-standard.? If it is compatible I would like
to get a copy! :-))

I also would like to know what happend to the commercial version. I made an
order in december 1996!? But since that time nothing happende anmore. I did send
you some e-mails, but never got an answer from you.

Best Greetings,
Hannu Wegner

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