Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Eric Schiller about the Cadaques Qualifier

Author: Jeremiah Penery

Date: 18:39:07 10/11/02

Go up one level in this thread

I'm not done reading this, but it's quite amazing so far, some of the things
that were said.  I particularly found this quote from Enrique Irazoqui

<There is a list of the top computer ratings in "standard" on ICC, consisting
mostly of Fritzes, and Tigers>

"This list is truly great. It shows once again which programs deserve to be
consider as contenders for the match Kramnik-machine. You will see that Hiarcs
and Tiger on one processor machine do better than Ferret on a Quad (4
processors) Xeon. SMP ready programs that do well here are, as expected, Deep
Fritz, Shredder and Junior. We must draw the line somewhere, and sheer strength
is our only possible criteria. The inclusion of relatively weak programs like
Crafty, SOS, Ferret, Diep, will be perceived as absurd, for the simple reason
that each one of them on a Quad machine is less strong than Tiger and Hiarcs on
a single processor machine."

Wow, those are some very controversial statements.

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