Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Eric Schiller about the Cadaques Qualifier

Author: Otello Gnaramori

Date: 10:58:11 10/12/02

Go up one level in this thread

On October 12, 2002 at 13:47:02, Ed Schröder wrote:

>On October 12, 2002 at 13:18:26, pavel wrote:
>>Love this:
>>"The Odyssey tournament is conducted by a notorious psychopath, perfectly
>>discredited in the field of computer chess. Ask the SSDF about him and about his
>Got about the exact description back from Mark Crowther (TWIC) when I send him
>the round reports for publication, demonizing at work.
>>and this...
>>"Sent by Vincent Diepeveen
>>Hello Raymond, I understand there is a computer-machine event. My program DIEP
>>is a parallel program, running on n processors, and a very strong program.
>>Tactical at the moment probably strongest in the world with loads of chess
>>knowledge, which is the basic difference between Fritz and my program. Hard work
>>has been done at it. I plan to get world champion (in computer
>>chess) real soon with it. This won’t be a major problem as this is a new
>>generation of program: the same advantages as Fritz/deep blue had combined with
>>more knowledge. The reason is easy. I am 2284 FIDE rated myself and work
>>fulltime at DIEP nowadays. At AEGON 1997 my program was confused a lot with Deep
>>Blue. Though names look very similar, it is not deep blue. it is better, but
>>commercially seen that is very cool as the average watcher will think a player
>>plays against deep blue :) I would like to know how to join your man-machine
>>event! Friendly greetings,
>Typical dutch modesty :)

It is quite common to find among strong chess players this kind of superiority this forum I have met recently several significant samples.



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