Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Different Feeling about little Goliath

Author: Michael Borgstaedt (GOLIATH CHESS)

Date: 04:58:34 09/04/98

Go up one level in this thread

On September 03, 1998 at 20:18:41, Alessio Iacovoni wrote:

>On September 03, 1998 at 18:00:57, Fernando Villegas wrote:
>>Hi Alessio:
>>Strange enough, I have had an altoguether different experience with Goliath: no
>>pop-ups and playing myself against him -I am not interested very much in comp vs
>>comp stuff- I had the feeling that it is extremedly sharp in his tactis even if
>>it is setted to play after just some seconds. If that is what goliath can do
>>with 80% less source code, I could hope that in 100% force could be, as Michael
>>say, a very competitive program. Nevertheless, i concur with the idea by Bollini
>>that the author should release a full version even weith an ugly GUi in order to
>>see how strong really is. I suppose he can do that and deliver the program to a
>>trusted tester as Enrique Irazoqui or KK or whatever people here he dims
>>adequate. Then he can tell us if it is worthy to wait a full version or what.
>Frnando that's very strange.. We are obviously not talking of the same verion..
>the one I got at pitt has a popup every time it's loaded by Winboard. So
>probably the version you have is altogether different. A pity the author does
>not make it available.

Please read my comments from today (RE: Little Goliath / Download).
There is only one version existing at the moment. Popup is not shown
on different systems. I donĀ“t know the reason.
I will remove the popup with the updated version by the weekend.

Regarding publishing the "big" version with small interface, I will
decide very soon. If I cannot release an agreement with another programmer
regarding the Windows-GUI, say until end of this month, I will prepare
a simple version in order to release it before december.
I will keep you inform about it as soon as there are new facts.

Best regards

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