Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Max positional score difference

Author: Uri Blass

Date: 22:36:34 11/14/02

Go up one level in this thread

On November 15, 2002 at 01:11:26, Ron Murawski wrote:

>On November 15, 2002 at 00:23:42, Nagendra Singh Tomar wrote:
>>Hi All,
>>       I think this question has been asked in different forms in this forum but
>>I was less than satisfied, so I am putting the question once more.
>>How much can be the maximum allowable difference in positional score of the two
>>sides ?
>There is no limit, but if you want an engine to play well you'de better stay
>within believable limits. For instance if you make the penalty for a doubled
>pawn higher than the value of a pawn, such an engine would rather lose a pawn
>than have one that was doubled.
>>i.e assuming BLACK during its search hits a position in the leaf and calls
>>evaluate, evaluate() finds that black's pieces are wonderfully placed and whites
>>pieces are pathetically placed but still black is say a bishop down. Is it
>>sensible to return a +ve eval score in this.
>>I mean can the maximum allowable difference in positional score  be as high as a
>>bishop or knight's score.
>Yes, absolutely. It *can*. But maybe you might not want it to be that high. The
>only time you can give bonuses that high and get away with it is if a king
>attack seems immanent and you predict this correctly.


It is possible also to give it if there is an unstoppable passed pawn.


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