Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Resign Score

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 11:09:33 11/20/02

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On November 20, 2002 at 07:40:57, Darren Rushton wrote:

>What do most people consider a reasonable resign score to set in a .ini file?

Here is my thinking:

For GM players I set this at -6.00, and for certain GM players I raise it to
The reason is that this is about "politeness" and I want GM players to come
And if a program resigns when it is losing, they don't feel insulted/offended
they generally have kind words for the program and they will return to play
If you play on in a -14.00 ending, they take it as an insult and leave.  yes you
resign when you could win on time, but what is most important?  To me, playing
the games against them is it.

For other players I use -9.  I arrived at this over several years of watching.
I have
seen crafty draw when the eval was +6 or +7, or -6 to -7.  As a result, when
other players or computers (non IM/GM players) I run with a "safe" value of -9.

>I looked at a few GM games and set Fritz, Hiarcs, whoever to analyse the score
>when resignation occured.
>I concluded that between 400 and 500 centipawns is about the point, although
>most programmers set to 700 as a default.
>To be honest, against Fritz, if you're more than 200 centipawns behind, it's a
>lost cause.
>(Although someone will probably now quote an exception)  ;)

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