Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: More Explosion

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 14:57:03 11/26/02

Go up one level in this thread

On November 26, 2002 at 17:21:28, David Rasmussen wrote:

>[D]r4rk1/1p1n1pp1/1bq1bn1p/2pp4/p1P1N1P1/1N1PB2B/PPQ2P1P/R4RK1 w - - 3 19
>This position was one the leaf positions during search of the previously posted
>position, that produced the most qnodes. Searching this position is even worse:
>time         nodes depth    score  pv
>00:00:43.33   17Mn 01/01/17 +0.194 19. cxd5 axb3 20. dxc6 bxc2
>                                   21. cxd7 Rxa2 22. Bxc5
>00:00:43.36   17Mn 01/02/17 ---------------------------------------------------
>        Time used: 00:00:43.36
>        nps: 407748     nodes: 17684031 Q-nodes: 17683987 (99%)
>        move order: 66%
>        hash probes: 1  hash hits: 0 (0%)       hash usage: 0%
>        pawn hash probes: 17684030      pawn hash hits: 17683997 (99%)
>        EGTB probes: 0  EGTB hits: 0 (0%)
>I takes 43 seconds to finish ply 1!
>As it can be seen from the output, there aren't any extensions going on here.
>But the longest q-search line is to ply 17!
>There's definitely something wrong here... :)

This doesn't cause me any problem.

One common bug I have seen.  If you hash in the q-search, be _sure_ that you
blindly try the "hash table move" as it is often not a capture and this can
cause your
search to completely explode...

Otherwise, something is "off".

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