Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: More Explosion

Author: David Rasmussen

Date: 16:27:01 11/26/02

Go up one level in this thread

On November 26, 2002 at 18:29:35, Antonio Dieguez wrote:

>>I takes 43 seconds to finish ply 1!
>>As it can be seen from the output, there aren't any extensions going on here.
>>But the longest q-search line is to ply 17!
>>There's definitely something wrong here... :)
>you may have a bug (probably), but anyway, you can cut the qsearch captures at
>some point, 7-8-10 plies. I cut it at 8 and wonder if there are an example in
>wich that hurts anything.
>be fine.

What is the reasoning behind this? If I just stop at some arbitrary place, the
in the middle of a 10 piece capture sequence, I return a totally wrong score. I
mean if there is a capture sequence of 9 ply, and you stop at 8, it might be
when white have just taken blacks queen, and you return +9, when in fact, if the
position is reached, black will just recapture whites queen.

I don't understand how this can work, unless some extra care is taken.


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