Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Warp - Diep, WCCC

Author: Uri Blass

Date: 13:05:07 12/02/02

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On December 02, 2002 at 13:45:57, Peter McKenzie wrote:

>I've been looking at some positions from the Warp-Diep game from the WCCC in
>Maastricht this year.  Here are a few test positions:
>[D]7k/p3Qp1p/1p2n3/4nqP1/2P5/2P3R1/P5RP/3r2BK w - -
>Warp played Qe8+ followed by Qa4 here, which wasn't very good.
>Qf6+ was suggested and certainly looks like an improvement, although perhaps its
>not so easy to white to make progress there.
>The current Warp however prefers Qxa7, which also looks good.  Personally I like
>Qxa7 better than Qf6.
>What do other engines play here?

10 208 11792 17508740 e7a7 f5e4 a7b6 e5f3 g3f3 e4f3 b6b8 h8g7 b8e5 g7g8 c4c5
d1b1 e5f6
10 209 24826 37091016 e7f6
10 215 25062 37481786 e7f6 f5f6 g5f6 d1d8 g2e2 e5c4 e2e4 c4d2 e4a4 d2f1 g3g2
10 215 28347 42386844 e7f6 f5f6 g5f6 d1d8 g2e2 e5c4 e2e4 c4d2 e4a4 d2f1 g3g2
11 211 28704 42967724 e7f6 f5f6 g5f6 d1d8 g2e2 e5c4 e2e4 c4d6 e4a4 d8d7 h1g2
d6f5 g3g4
11 211 43199 64061032 e7f6 f5f6 g5f6 d1d8 g2e2 e5c4 e2e4 c4d6 e4a4 d8d7 h1g2
d6f5 g3g4
12 224 49647 74711506 e7f6 f5f6 g5f6 e5g6 h2h3 h7h5 g2b2 h5h4 g3e3 d1f1 b2f2
f1d1 h1g2 g6f4 g2h2
PasteTextFromClipboard(): lock count 0
>[D]8/p4pkp/1p2n3/2P1n1P1/8/1QP3R1/P5RP/2qr2BK b - -
>Here Diep played Nf4!! which forces a draw.  How long do other engines take to
>find Nf4 ?
>Warp needs about 11 minutes on my PIII 1Ghz.
Movei needs 135.11 seconds to fail high on p850

10 -130 3119 4626162 e6c5 b3b4 d1e1 b4d4 c5e6 d4d6 c1d1 g2d2 d1a4 d6b8 a4e4 d2g2
11 -121 6300 9183809 e6c5 b3b4 d1e1 g3h3 c1d1 b4d4 c5e6 d4f2 e1f1 f2h4 d1b1
11 -120 13511 19976090 e6f4
11 -91 17554 25850103 e6f4
11 -86 20750 30391466 e6f4 g2c2 c1a1 b3b2 a1b2 c2b2 e5d3 b2c2 d3c5 c2f2 c5e6
11 -86 21827 31937685 e6f4 g2c2 c1a1 b3b2 a1b2 c2b2 e5d3 b2c2 d3c5 c2f2 c5e6
12 -77 28160 41555442 e6f4 g2c2 c1a1 b3b2 a1b2 c2b2 b6c5 h2h4 e5d3 b2b7 d3f2
h1h2 d1d2 g3f3 f2e4 h2h1

>[D]8/p4pkp/1p6/2P1n1P1/5n2/1QP1q3/P1R4P/6RK w - -
>This is the game after Nf4 Rc2 Rxg1 Rxg1 Qe3.
>How long for your engine to show a draw score here?  Warp's score drops to +0.3
>at depth 12, in about 3.5 minutes.  I'll let it continue to see when it sees the

depth 10 is enough for 0.2 score
depth 12 is enough for draw score

9 120 4092 6117519 b3b1 e3f3 g1g2 f4g2 c2g2 b6c5 b1e1 e5d3 e1e2 f3e2 g2e2
10 20 5207 7850457 b3b1 e3f3 c2g2 f4g2 g1g2 e5g4 b1e1 g4e3 e1e2 f3g2 e2g2 e3g2
h1g2 b6c5
10 20 15126 22900920 b3b1 e3f3 c2g2 f4g2 g1g2 e5g4 b1e1 g4e3 e1e2 f3g2 e2g2 e3g2
h1g2 b6c5
11 20 16192 24581945 b3b1 e3f3 c2g2 f4g2 g1g2 e5g4 b1e1 g4e3 e1e2 f3g2 e2g2 e3g2
h1g2 b6c5
11 20 20097 30245664 b3b1 e3f3 c2g2 f4g2 g1g2 e5g4 b1e1 g4e3 e1e2 f3g2 e2g2 e3g2
h1g2 b6c5
12 0 25419 38273780 b3b1 e3e4 c2g2 e5d3 b1f1 f4g2 g1g2 d3f4 c5b6 f4g2 f1g2 e4e1
g2g1 e1e4 g1g2

I am surprised that Movei seems to be superior to Warp based on these positions
because I am concvinced that Movei is weaker than Warp not only because of
inferior evaluation.


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