Author: Vincent Diepeveen
Date: 08:35:46 12/04/02
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On December 03, 2002 at 01:47:15, Peter McKenzie wrote: >>>Directly Qxa7 instead of Qf6 i don't want to analyze too well in fact. >>>A short line should do, because i get directly many fail lows after >>>after Nf4 there for white, so it is trivial that black has excellent draw >>>chances there 4 pieces combining against a poor white king. i don't see >>>how Peter can believe in that for white. He needs a chess course :) > >Ah, with friends like Vincent who needs enemies? > >I'm sure this is the logic that Kramnik too used when he lost to Fritz :-) >Translation: computers are good at wriggling out of sticky looking positions. > >Oh wait the whole Kramnik match was yet another conspiracy, darn I forgot about >that... > >> >>perhaps after Qxa7 a direct Qe4 is directly forcing a draw there. >>white can win a bunch of pawns by some sacrafices on g6 but then >>white has to give always perpetual check after: >> >>qxa7 qe4 qxb6 nf3 g6 hg6 rg4 qa8 rxg6 fxg6 qxe6 nxg1 qf6+ > >Of course even my stupid program knows that it must sacrifice a rook for one of >those menacing knights and try to win the endgame with 3 extra pawns. > >So instead of g6, better is either Rxf3 or Qb8+ followed by Rxf3. 7k/p3Qp1p/1p2n3/4nqP1/2P5/2P3R1/P5RP/3r2BK w - - So after Qxa7? Qe4 qxb6 Nf3 you play Qb8 Kg7 Rxf3 Qxf3. Even DIEP, despite white having a shitload of passers, already gets a near to draw score for that. White cannot move a piece except its queen. Rxg1 threatens each time and black has a knight to get to e2. At least black can already capture on g5, which i would never do as a human. easier is to jump some with the knight then go for mate :) This looks not a very good winning plan for white :) Basically the computers score gets dominated because white can give a lot of checks each time with its queen. If you do that, then it's a draw :) We call that horizon effect of a program. I guess you prune some of them. Not a good idea here. >> >>it takes diep a while to see that this is a draw. weird. looks >>trivial to me as long as you don't lose the d1 rook.
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