Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: The None-test, or: an der Grenze des menschlichen Geistes

Author: Thorsten Czub

Date: 15:41:14 09/17/98

Go up one level in this thread

John Nunn was often at the border , at the point of no return, where it is
difficult to come back into normal.
he wrote articles about these journeys into css.
they all had these strange titles.

i am sure he had problems coming back into normal life.

Grenzsituationen are always difficult. Jaspers can tell you about.

"Nicht durch Schwelgen in der Vollendung, sondern auf dem Weg des Leidens im
Blick auf das unerbittliche Anlitz des Weltdaseins... kann mögliche Existenz
erreichen, was nicht zu planen ist und als gewünscht sinnwidrig wird: im
Scheitern das Sein zu erfahren."

I have the feeling since he published his articles about his mind at the border
of no return, he had problems to recover and come back. maybe he is still more
on the other side than on this side.

so the NONE-test is only what it says: a NON-test = no test !

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