Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Interesting statement from Ossi Weiner about Nunn test

Author: Serge Desmarais

Date: 17:53:00 09/17/98

Go up one level in this thread

On September 17, 1998 at 17:46:21, Enrique Irazoqui wrote:

>On September 17, 1998 at 16:51:18, Thorsten Czub wrote:
>>On September 17, 1998 at 15:39:45, Moritz Berger wrote:
>>"interesting" is IMO that you feel the need to quote this here, even to
>>translate this rubbish interview stuff here.
>>there is NO excuse for the nunn-test.
>>the nunn test was, so says css itself, done by nunn for css. he has done it
>>specially for his friend frederic.
>>frederic is owner of chessBase.
>>it is the same when the owner of malboro asks a special cancer-doctor to write
>>an article about smoking not beeing dangerous.
>>you now quote anywhere that smoking is not dangerous because john nunn has said
>>and frederic paid for this... brilliant.
>In other words, Nunn came with a crooked test to favor Fritz. Old song of yours
>and utter nonsense.
>If anything, one might say that having few positions, the test can be already
>cooked by more than one. Although certainly not by Mark and his Hiarcs 6 playing
>Moritz games.

   As I know Fritz is reported to have a lot of trouble understanding/playing
the positions deriving from the French defense, so to favor Fritz, one would
have suppressed tha positions from the French?

Serge Desmarais

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