Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Interesting statement from Ossi Weiner about Nunn test

Author: Serge Desmarais

Date: 18:32:58 09/17/98

Go up one level in this thread

On September 17, 1998 at 18:48:02, blass uri wrote:

>On September 17, 1998 at 18:23:31, Thorsten Czub wrote:
>>On September 17, 1998 at 17:46:21, Enrique Irazoqui wrote:
>>>>and frederic paid for this... brilliant.
>>>In other words, Nunn came with a crooked test to favor Fritz. Old song of yours
>>>and utter nonsense.
>>it is written in css ! I really don't know what you have. it is all written in
>>css. you only have to read it.
>>John was asked to do this test. he did it for fred. for chessBase. not because
>>he wanted it to do. he was asked to do it.
>>If you cannot read, thats not my problem.
>>take css and read it, there anything is written and published.
>>he was ordered to make the test. and he did. and the test proves what it should
>>prove: fritz is the best = smoking is not causing cancer, signed doctor malboro.
>I am not sure if fritz is the best by this test
>a test of Fritz5 against Hiarcs6 in the nunn test on pentium200MMX
>showed that Hiarcs6 won in 67 seconds per move 11:9 and in 600 seconds per move
>10.5:9.5(Fritz5 won in 200 seconds per move 13:7)
>The tests were on pentium200MMX (fritz5 is optimized for this machine)
>Fritz5 won rebel9 on pentium200MMX in this test but maybe the results were the
>opposite if they used your machines (K6/200)

   You seem to give too much importance to the engine difference... I think it
was said that Fritz on a K6 200MMX (as opposed to a P II 200MMX) was about
25-30% slower MAXIMUM. But to reach a depth of ONE ply deeper in the same time,
one computer has to be between 500 to 600% faster! These numbers were taken from
Dr Monroe Newborn's article Three Half-Moves From the World Championship
(translated from French by myself) published in Échec + magazine #46 March/April
1986. It was an extrapolation about how many plies deep should a chess program
go before being able to challenge Garri Kasparov. Despite the fact that is seems
outdated, I was able to verify it myself. I had a position that was taking
Genius 3 about 2h30 to reach a depth of 8 plies on my 486DX2/66. When I upgraded
to my actual Cyrix P150+, I put the same position back in Genius 3 and it took a
little more than 20 minutes to reach the same depth. Now, according to Speedcom
(a simple program that tests computer speed), the Cyrix was between 6 to 7 times
faster than the 486... So, 25-30% slower is not suppose to change anything, or
so... I also remember Robert Hyatt saying that a decrease of 15% in spead was
about nothing too...

Serge Desmarais

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