Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Interesting statement from Ossi Weiner about Nunn test

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 10:34:11 09/19/98

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On September 18, 1998 at 15:20:40, Moritz Berger wrote:

>Since about nobody so far has payed any attention to the Nunn test, I don't
>think it would be economical to spend time on "Nunn-optimizing" a particular
>program against an unknown but reasonably big number of opponents (including
>different time controls, different hardware, ...).
>Of course the Nunn test has a different meaning than an ordinary "match" with
>opening books enabled etc.
>I have described before why the Nunn test is very important for me: It ensures
>that games don't "get lost" (discounted) after testing, it's a credible setup
>for doing a limited engine comparison and it allows comparison of different
>engines (and/or hardware) from the same starting position. And it has the
>authority of GM Nunn behind the initial selection of positions.

However, there are still serious problems:

1.  Programs can be tuned for specific types of openings.  Lang has certainly
done this in the past, liking more closed positions than open.  Such a test
completely breaks such a program, yet it would still do well in normal matches
because its book would steer it away from positions it doesn't like and toward
positions it does.

2.  Programs can be tuned for the specific nunn positions quite easily.  After
all there has been ample evidence of programs being tuned for the Kopec
positions after they were released, and for other test suites as well.

3.  Just because a GM produces the positions doesn't mean they are any more
(or less) valuable than other starting positions...

>Reasonable conclusions that I think you can get from the Nunn test include
>comparison of different engines at different time controls (x>y at blitz, y>x at
>standard time controls *in the Nunn test*).

perhaps, or perhaps not.  Because one of the two programs might not like some
of the starting positions and do badly.  But when it plays the same program
but uses its opening book, it could do far better (or far worse of course)

>Another thing I like is the fact that it includes several examples of typical
>"open", "closed", "positional" etc. positions.
>If you want to play 100 instead of 20 games in a match, I propose you simply
>take the 50 opening lines proposed by Jeroen Noomen.
>If "tuning" becomes a serious issue and the test gets more popular, I'm sure
>that GM Nunn could be talked into producing a "Nunn test 99", "Nunn test 2000"
>etc. So far, one major thing that could stop him from doing this might be the
>hostile criticism (questioning even his mental health) he gets here on CCC.
>On September 18, 1998 at 13:21:49, Bruce Moreland wrote:
>>On September 17, 1998 at 15:39:45, Moritz Berger wrote:
>>>Weiner: Nevertheless you must concede that not everything went smoothly at the
>>>beginning. I would have preferred if the CSS editors had sent the positions
>>>already early in 1997 to all important programmers. This would have killed this
>>>whole discussion right from the start. Meanwhile I now had an opportunity to
>>>talk about this with Frans Morsch. He assured me that Fritz 5 has not been tuned
>>>on the Nunn test. That ends this story for me in a satisfactory way.
>>I think that in this context, the Nunn test is a very bad idea.
>>My understanding of how it works is as follows.  There is a series of ten
>>positions, and you play twenty games between A and B, so that both A and B get
>>to be white from each position once.
>>So you have a twenty-game match that discounts opening book.  I disagree that
>>programs should be tested without opening book, but I am willing to ignore this
>>for purposes of discussion.
>>My objection to this test is that it is a very limited, closed test.  You get
>>twenty games.  It is impossible to get more than twenty games.  If someone else
>>does the test on the same hardware, they should get the same results exactly,
>>rather than getting results that would tend to augment the significance of tests
>>done by someone else.  What I mean by this is that if you do the test twice,
>>rather than creating additional evidence that A is indeed stronger than B, all
>>you do is verify that the person who conducted the test the first time didn't
>>mess up.
>>I think that a 20-game match will usually be too short to achieve a valid
>>comparison between two programs.
>>I think that the inability to run a 50- or 100- or 1000- game Nunn match is a
>>disadvantage inherent in the test.
>>And publication of the positions, so that future programs can be tuned for them,
>>is insanity, if people are really going to take this stuff seriously.  We will
>>have people tuning for the tests.
>>The idea of these guys sitting around trying to figure out how to jimmy up
>>essentially random numbers, in such a way as to produce an ending that a program
>>doesn't understand, but wins, against another program, in order to increase a
>>Nunn match score, is disgusting.

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