Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Correction again

Author: Bas Hamstra

Date: 07:39:08 12/19/02

Go up one level in this thread

On December 18, 2002 at 17:16:18, Gerd Isenberg wrote:

>On December 18, 2002 at 14:59:58, Bas Hamstra wrote:
>>On December 18, 2002 at 11:09:45, Gerd Isenberg wrote:
>>>On December 18, 2002 at 09:50:03, Bas Hamstra wrote:
>>>>On December 17, 2002 at 20:30:49, Gerd Isenberg wrote:
>>>>>Oups, sorry, not so easy...
>>>>>those were wrong again:
>>>>>openPawns[WHITE] = pawnBB[WHITE] & ~filldown(allPawns);
>>>>>passedPawns[WHITE] = pawnBB[WHITE] & ~filldown(allPawns|pawnAttacks[BLACK]);
>>>>>notDefendable[WHITE] = pawnBB[WHITE] & fillup(pawnAttacks[WHITE]);
>>>>>Both openPawns and  passedPawns statements produce an empty set due to
>>>>>"allPawns" as filldown parameter, which is member of the filldown result.
>>>>>I'll hope this is it finally ;-)
>>>>>openPawns[WHITE] = pawnBB[WHITE] & ~filldown(allPawns >> 8);
>>>>>passedPawns[WHITE] = openPawns[WHITE]
>>>>>                   & ~filldown(pawnBB[BLACK]|pawnAttacks[BLACK]);
>>>>>The notDefendable-Statement was implemented as isDefendable of course.
>>>>>notDefendable[WHITE] = pawnBB[WHITE] & ~fillup(pawnAttacks[WHITE]);
>>>>Interesting and clever as always, Gerd. Although I would rather expect fillup
>>>>where I see filldown in the above examples, but maybe I ordered my bitboards
>>>>differently. I use a lot of masks stored in tables. But that's for each pawn
>>>>seperate, your idea seems better.
>>>>Best regards,
>>>Hi Bas,
>>>Thanks ;-)
>>>with the help of Steffan Westcott's genious Kogge-Stone routines.
>>>The square-bitindex mapping is as follows: a1-0 h1-7 a2-8...h7-63
>>>Let's see:
>>>openPawns[WHITE] = pawnBB[WHITE] & ~filldown(allPawns >> 8);
>>>sample pawns:
>>>[D]8/1P4pp/3P1p2/4p3/1P5P/6P1/8/8 w - -
>>>after filldown(allPawns >> 8) each pawn/queen is a "one" in the bitboard:
>>>[D] 8/8/1P4pp/1Q1P1pQQ/1Q1QpQQQ/1P1QQQQP/1Q1QQQPQ/1Q1QQQQQ w
>>>if you and the complement with the white pawns, you get a remaining set with
>>You are right of course, in my case A1 also is 0, I was locating the "blockers".
>>>Currently thinking about pawn ilands and isolanis. Isolanis have the property,
>>>that there is no own pawn control (from neighboured file pawns) on the same
>>>isolani[side] = pawnBB[side] & ~FillUpDown(pawnAttacks[side]);
>>>noNeighbourFromLeft[side] = pawnBB[side] & ~FillUpDown(pawnAttacksAH[side]);
>>>noNeighbourFromRight[side] = pawnBB[side] & ~FillUpDown(pawnAttacksHA[side]);
>>>FillUpDown may be the FillUp|FillDown or a specialized version to gain more
>>>parallelism, specially with 64-bit mmx registers, which are rather great for
>>>Kogge-Stone and other fill algorithms.
>>>My question is, what's the smartest way to determine n-pawn ilands on
>>>consecutive files with n >= 1 (n==1 ==> isolanis)?
>>I have no idea. Also I wouldn't have an idea how to make use of the result. You
>>get a random bitmap, with pawns on A6, B2 and C5. And then what?
>>Best regards,
>Hmm..., it depends where the black pawns are. One should also consider vertical
>fragmentation. My intention is to determine pawn-patterns like in Uri's winning
>positions here in this thread with three against two pawns forcing an outside
>passer, eg. widder, backward and open pawn with one guard against widder and the
>backward guard. Or determing majorities on the queen-, king-wing or center,
>minory-attacks, an "isolated" duo of open pawns (Hängende Bauern). If one
>advances, most often the other becomes backward. Also the number of islands may
>be evaluable, eg. two 3-ilands againts three 2-island... only brainstorming.

Hi Gerd,

I think one crucial thing with majorities is: can they ever create a freepawn.
It would certainly be nice if you could detect rotten majorities with that
fill-stuff. If I am not mistaken Crafty uses an exspensive loop for each
"halfopen" pawn to see if, when it advances up to the point where is attacks an
enemy pawn, a trade would result in a freepawn. Mostly Crafty could read this
stuff from pawnhash of course, but still. It would be interesting to try do this
with the fill-trick. I was going to post an attempt, but I'm afraid it's too


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