Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Concerning Rolf Tueschen.

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 04:57:24 09/22/98

Go up one level in this thread

On September 21, 1998 at 20:59:27, Don Dailey wrote:

>As you all know  we have recently reinstated  Rolf Tueschen.  He is to
>be considered a member  in good standing  with no restrictions  on his
>account or warnings pending.  We want to emphasize that this in no way
>is a statement of our personal feeling towards  or against Rolf OR the
>former moderators.  We feel that all decisions  by them and by us have
>been made in good conscience.
>The moderators,
>Don, Amir, Bruce

Let's get the record *straight* here.  "The former moderators" had
*nothing* to do with the decision to expell Rolf from CCC.  That was
a majority decision by the "founders" of CCC, *not* the moderators...

Just to keep this factual, Bob, one of the initial three

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