Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Cleverness, Please!

Author: Matt Taylor

Date: 05:28:11 01/22/03

I'm exploring the last couple possibilities in those bitscan routines. What I
have decided is that I will do bit = (bb & -bb) - 1 to get a mask that looks
like this:

bit  index  mask (byte)
  1    0    00000000
  2    1    00000001
  4    2    00000011
  8    3    00000111
 16    4    00001111
 32    5    00011111
 64    6    00111111
128    7    01111111

(Extrapolate for 32-bits; I'm lazy!)

Now, this is convenient for me because x86 will record the last bit shifted out
into the carry flag. Furthermore, I can accomplish the index = (index << 1) |
((bit & mask) != 0) with a simple add with carry. That's pretty ideal for C -- 2
instructions for 2 lines of code. Also, in the process, it modifies mask in a
potentially valuable way.

All I need to make this a clever and slick way to eat bits. After the first
iteration, the masks for the second half of the table should be identical to the
masks in the first half. In other words, if the index >= 4, shift left 4, else
no-op. (A cmovz will sort've do it.)

Alternatively, I can use subtraction to mess with the numbers and use the carry.

Any suggestion would be welcome at any level of thought; higher-level concepts
may help me make a connection that I did not formerly see. Also, even more
complex expressions can sometimes be reduced very nicely.


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