Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: New version of TSCP (1.8)--opening book and hash keys

Author: Tom Kerrigan

Date: 01:57:31 01/30/03

A new version of TSCP is now available on my home page:

A big change is the addition of an opening book. Many people have asked for this
feature but until recently I couldn't think of a way to do it that was
appropriately simple. The new version's opening book code is only 122 lines,
about half of which are comments. The book that's included with the program
(book.txt) has 385 opening lines. This feature should make TSCP much more fun
for humans to play against and it should also make TSCP stronger in the
tournaments that people run (I've heard of people "busting" TSCP).

I also added hash keys to the program. I've said in the past that I would never
do this, but TSCP's old repetition detection code was pretty hard to understand
and I think it was a kinda buggy, too. So I was able to remove that and the new
brain-dead-simple hash code is < 100 lines. (It does slow the program down by
~10%, BTW.) Another selling point for hash keys is that serious chess
programmers will have to learn about hash keys at some point anyway so they
might as well be in there. It also makes it a little easier for people to add
hash tables to TSCP.

Well, two pretty big changes to TSCP. I hope you like them. Let me know if you
have any comments.


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