Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: programmers: pawn hash tables

Author: Uri Blass

Date: 09:46:01 03/08/03

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On March 08, 2003 at 12:05:59, Russell Reagan wrote:

>On March 08, 2003 at 09:41:18, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>>Sure you can.  You can evaluate all the pawn-only stuff, and then you can
>>pre-cmpute whatever you need such as passed pawn locations, weak pawn locations,
>>weak square locations, open file locations, half-open-file locations, and so
>>forth.  You stuff that in the pawn hash table, and then use it when you evaluate
>>pieces to get the "coordination".
>I wonder if it would be faster (or reasonable) to keep track of this stuff
>incrementally. For example, from the starting position, you know that if a pawn
>makes a capture, or is captured, then that file is half open. So you can keep
>track of how many captures have been made to or from a file, and keep track of
>isolated pawns that way.

I use incremental evaluation of pawn structure so I do not need to calculate
pawn structure in every node inspite of the fact that I evaluate every node.

 I guess using a pawn hash would still be faster or more
>generally useful, and as with all things incrementally updated, you do some
>wasted updating computations where you may not use it.

I read that you get almost 100% hits with pawn hash so it is clear that you can
save time by doing it.

I did not do it for similiar reasons that Ed did not do it and it is not a thing
that may give me a big improvement(today I use the static pawn structure for
pawn evaluation but I plan to get rid of it in the future).

I may think about it again after I improve the pawn structure evaluation and
improve the speed of other parts of my program.


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