Author: Jeremiah Penery
Date: 16:29:46 03/08/03
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On March 08, 2003 at 13:55:20, Uri Blass wrote: >I read that modifying cradty is easy >I wonder how many people who modify crafty tried to understand the exact meaning >of most of it's varaibles. It's not that hard to see a variable (such as black_defects_k) and search for all occurrences of that variable in the source. You can find where exactly it's used and how it can be modified. Just do that for each variable and you have no problems. It doesn't even take that long, because you should only worry about a few variables at a time. Bob is very good about making variable and function names sensible. Even if you don't look stuff up, it's usually not hard to guess what something might do. I wish all programmers used such functional names, instead of cryptic stuff that I mostly see. >I do not like the idea of trying to modify something that I do not understand >most of it but again I think that some file with explanation what people need >to know in order to do some modification for Crafty may be productive. For some stuff, you barely have to know anything at all. For other kinds of changes, you'll have to figure a lot of stuff out. Who is going to write such a 'Crafty Dictionary'?
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