Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Here's some Shock for all of You: It's Art!

Author: Bruce Moreland

Date: 10:36:23 04/04/03

Go up one level in this thread

On April 04, 2003 at 07:12:51, Ed Schröder wrote:

>Your defence lacks the argument the sender is part of the organization of the
>WC. Bruce clearly said that in case the sender wasn't part of the organization
>he would not feel offended and go to Graz.

Correct.  Also, I did not reproduce the emails in whole, instead I quoted from
them.  I had some interest in preserving the author's copyright.  If hairs are
split, it may be found that I was a little loose with this, but on the other
hand, the email to me also contained copyrighted material (the "art").

I don't take these criticisms seriously.

This thread has been derailed by Rolf, which is fine, but please don't forget
why I started the thread.

I explained why I wasn't going.  I provided others with the information they
need to make their own choice and/or prepare for what they may meet with in


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