Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Attention - Slater Wold

Author: Keith Evans

Date: 15:56:07 04/09/03

Go up one level in this thread

On April 09, 2003 at 18:38:56, Vincent Diepeveen wrote:

>On April 09, 2003 at 17:21:18, Slater Wold wrote:
>>On April 09, 2003 at 16:34:23, Keith Evans wrote:
>>>I couldn't seem to email you at the address in your profile.
>>I moved/got married in the last few months.  A lot has changed.  A whole lot.
>>I will correct it asap.
>>>I wanted to ask if you were still pursuing that FPGA project, or potentially
>>>would be if you had a knowledgable hardware guy to help out with the hardware
>>>side of things.
>>I actually did a LOT of studying for about 6 months on FPGAs and HDL.  However I
>>would never claim to know a whole lot, probably not even enough to make a
>>legal-moving chess engine.
>>But that's not what stopped me.  Money did.  Not only are the FPGAs expensive,
>>but the software is just outrageous.  Without a college/university connection, I
>>just couldn't find a way to do it.
>it is very cheap.
>like $3000 for development board. another $2000 for 0.5mln gates and $10k or so
>for a verilog compiler.
>compared with hardware asic design this is very cheap of course.
>>And one thing about me is, if I can't do it right, I won't do it.
>>If you are offering your services (I know you have some connections), that would
>>for sure probably be enough to spark enough interest to get this going again.

You have to divide those Xilinx gate counts by a big factor depending on what
you're doing. The board that I mentioned has 24 M gates if you go by the
datasheet. Not cheap. I would probably divide that number by 6 or so...

Even the numbers that you threw out are not exactly cheap. You need to buy the
Xilinx ISE too since the webpack stuff won't handle decent sized parts.

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