Author: Ulrich Tuerke
Date: 09:31:00 05/18/03
In round 1 Ant had tried an interesting trap against theKing: Ant had played Nc4 !? and the position was [D]r4rk1/p4p1p/2p2npQ/q7/1pnPPN2/1P3P1B/PK5P/3R2R1 w - - 0 21 TheKing refused to accept the sac, played 21. Ka1 and could easily win. It seems that accepting the sac will in fact loose, for instance 21. bxc4 Qa3+ 22. Ka1 Qc3+ 23. Kb1 b3 At least on slow hardware (K6-433), my engine needs quite a while to realize that accepting the sac is not good. During the 1st minutes it sticks to bxc4 even though the scores starts sinking. How about other engines ? Uli
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