Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Looking for tweaked TSCP

Author: Geoff

Date: 09:31:25 06/02/03

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On June 01, 2003 at 15:19:35, Jean Efpraxiadis wrote:

>Is there a version of TSCP that uses Hash tables and does not locate the pieces
>on the board by scanning the board square by square during move generation?

Hello Jean

I have been working on TSCP for a few weeks now in my spare time. I have left
the basic board representation the same as the original. I have added a couple
of simple new features and made some code speed up mods.
The last mod I did was to implement piece lists for both sides, this did give
quite a decent speed up, particularly in the endgame.
My next mod will probably be hash tables, that sounded trickier so might take me
a little while to finish.
You are welcome to have my work in progress source code. if you want it let me
know your email addy and I will send a zip file.

         regards Geoff

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