Author: Mike Byrne
Date: 18:40:11 06/04/03
Go up one level in this thread
On June 04, 2003 at 21:14:06, Matthew White wrote: >On June 04, 2003 at 21:08:59, Mike S. wrote: > >>On June 04, 2003 at 20:13:52, Matthew White wrote: >> >>>(...) >>>Are you sure about that? I have Fritz 6 and 7, and neither could use a winboard >>>engine without the winboard adapter as far as I could tell. >> >>Of course not (?!)... they could use winboard engines *with* the winboard >>adapter. >> >>WINBOA~1 ENG 22.528 23.11.00 0:05 Winboard_Nov2K.eng >> >>If somebody *has* that adapter and wants instructions how to use it, post your >>questions. But keep in mind that - as mentioned already - not all WB. engines >>will work with it, or some of the engine's "advanced" functionality may be lost. >> >>There was a compatibility list of which WB. engines work with that adapter (and >>with various GUIs), on the Quarkchess homepage. I don't know if it's available >>still and if it's up to date though. >> >>Recommendation: Use Wb2Uci instead... >> >>Regards, >>M.Scheidl >The initial question was asking if WB engines could be used without the adapter >in chessbase GUI's, that is why I was confused about your response :). > >Regards, >Matt IMo opinion almost all WB engines have more flexibility and are more stable with wb2uci adapter than the winboard adapater. In addition, you can add many more GUI options to WB engines that would normally only be accessblie through a text file. It makes it a lot easier. For example, I can set Crafty depth, number of processors etc right through the CB GUI, kin saftery parameters etc. impossible under the old WB adpater. Michael
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