Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Saitek D++ 12 mhz versus Mephisto London 68020 1-0

Author: Trevor Dean

Date: 23:34:27 06/15/03

Go up one level in this thread

On June 14, 2003 at 22:24:17, steven blincoe wrote:

>>Where is Julio Kaplan ?! :-))
>or the Spracklen's for that matter..
>in fact, where do old commercial chess progammers go after they stop writing
>chess programs?
>certainly not a desk job for Microsoft?

This month's issue of "Selective Search"  included a very good 6 page article
about Dan and Kate Spraklens (submitted Rob Van Son, a dedicated enthusiast) It
included information on how they got various contracts programming the Sargon
series of machines, some of the Chess Challenger models etc. It concluded that
they now live in Oregon and that Dan works as a 3D programmer, and Kathe is
programming for a local wholesales craft supply comany.
They no longer spend time on chess, but occupy their spare time with their

Also this months issue of Selective Search begins a series of games with the
Novag Star Diamond against Mephisto Milano Pro: score currently at 2-0.
If it makes the grade it will be up against the Mephisto Atlanta next!


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