Author: Günther Simon
Date: 04:41:20 06/24/03
Go up one level in this thread
On June 24, 2003 at 07:26:30, Uri Blass wrote: >On June 24, 2003 at 07:14:30, Günther Simon wrote: > >>On June 24, 2003 at 07:03:17, Uri Blass wrote: >> >>>On June 24, 2003 at 06:54:40, Günther Simon wrote: >>> >>>>On June 23, 2003 at 19:13:22, Jorge Pichard wrote: >>>> >>>>>On June 23, 2003 at 19:08:28, Jorge Pichard wrote: >>>>> >>>>>>For this game I used an Athlon 1.2 GHz for FRC_TheBaron and a Celeron 433 MHz >>>>>>for Fritz After FRC_TheBaron castled in move 14.0-0-0 Queen side Fritz8 >>>>>>did NOT wanted to continued, therefore I set Up the position from that move on >>>>>>to allow Fritz8 to continue the game, and the game was won on the endgame stage. >>>> >>>>IMO this is ridiculous, Fritz 8 just had _lost_ ,as he refused to play on, >>>>because he even did not know the rules of the game he was playing... >>> >>>The refuse of Fritz to play can be fixed by the right interface without changing >>>the source code of Fritz. >>> >>>A program does not need to know the rules of the game in order to win. >>>It only needs to play legal moves and to accept the opponent moves. >>> >>>The problem of not accepting the opponent moves can be fixed by the right >>>interface that can send Fritz a FEN instead of a move in case of castling. >>> >>>Uri >> >>Uri, why dont you fix all GUIs and chess programs, so that they can >>play any of the 'Zillions game' collection and we have some hundreds >>of universal playing progs more? >>I will send you $ 10 in advance for your great work, if all other >>members here do the same, may be we can expect some progress in a >>few months? >>(Oops I forgot,#1 on my wish list is a Go version of Crafty...TIA) >> >>Regards, >>Günther > >I do not see how you can practically fix the gui to teach crafty to play go. >Can you describe the algorithm?(I described a simple algorithm to teach chess >programs to play FRC by sending them FEN in the right time). > >I am more interested in developing my engine so you will need some one else to >fix the gui of chess programs(I guess that the people who developed it can fix >it(I did not develop GUI so I cannot fix it). > >Uri Hi Uri, lets get serious again ;), you cut off the most important part of my message for Jorge and only answered to the part where I said that F8 should have lost because of ignoring the rules in an already played game. (your fix came too late BTW :)) I know that it might be possible to fix a certain GUI for the lots of unconventional castlings (and perhaps e.p.?) but its about the name of the game and its rules, almost. Do you think that there will be a high percentage chance that someone really wants to make such an ugly workaround (if it will work at all), instead of adapting the programs to the real rules of an existing game? Regards, Günther
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