Author: Landon Rabern
Date: 09:39:07 06/24/03
Go up one level in this thread
On June 24, 2003 at 11:40:18, Richard Pijl wrote: >On June 23, 2003 at 19:08:28, Jorge Pichard wrote: > >>For this game I used an Athlon 1.2 GHz for FRC_TheBaron and a Celeron 433 MHz >>for Fritz After FRC_TheBaron castled in move 14.0-0-0 Queen side Fritz8 >>did NOT wanted to continued, therefore I set Up the position from that move on >>to allow Fritz8 to continue the game, and the game was won on the endgame stage. >>Therefore, the Castling of FRC_TheBaron_101 did NOT affected the outcome of what >>I expected from the stronger program using an inferior processor and with the >>black pieces. > >I'm not surprised. > >Fritz still is a lot stronger than the Baron. The difference in HW doesn't >really make up for the difference in strength, also in 'normal' games. > >The Baron FRC doesn't have special knowledge in evaluation for FRC games. The >only FRC addition is the castling rules. There are a lot of possibilities to >improve here, e.g: > >- The loss of castling queenside should probably be punished different when the >king is on b1 then when it is on g1. Also the initial position of the bishops >and queens (needing advancing of the pawns before they can develop) may have an >influence on this. >- Hardwired squares related to e.g. trapped bishops (on a7, h7) trapped rooks >(when the king moves to f1), piece development (no knight to c3 if there are >pawns on c2 and d4, and not on e4) >- Piece square tables with penalties for minor pieces (and some pawns) on their >original squares. > >So there is a lot of widespread knowledge in normal chess engines that do not >apply in FRC, or should be defined differently (more generic). When engines are >better adapted to FRC (perhaps the authors of Betsy and Chispa already took some >measures) I didn't do much, just modified the PSQ tables to take out the hardwired penalties for pieces on original squares and also took out some hardwiring for bishops like fianchettoe and trap stuff. I agree that there are a lot of things that can be done to modify the evaluation depending on initial setup, I had thought about it a little, but I haven't had a computer to work on Betsy for months now, so it has slipped my mind. I would find it interesting to do some deep analysis of some of the starting positions to see if there is anything forced. Maybe MTD(f) with material only, I remember some conversation about being able to get 30 ply like that over night. Regards, Landon
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