Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Quiescent Explosion

Author: Sune Fischer

Date: 07:30:55 06/27/03

Go up one level in this thread

On June 27, 2003 at 08:57:18, macaroni wrote:

>On June 27, 2003 at 06:07:15, Sune Fischer wrote:
>>On June 26, 2003 at 22:45:17, macaroni wrote:
>>>I recently wrote a computer chess program, using alpha-beta, null moving, and
>>>quiescent search, in the main search function I use a history heuristic to sort
>>>moves, and that seems to be doing just fine, I can't say the same for my q
>>>search, the sorting procedure I use for that, is biggest capture, smallest
>>>attacker. However, when I do a ply 5 search, i get 23,000 standard search nodes,
>>>which seems acceptable to me, but I get 180,000 q nodes, which seems ridiculous.
>>>Is this as bad as I think it is? is it expectded? should I just make my Eval,
>>>MoveGen, MakePosition and UnmakePosition functions faster (if possible)? Also,
>>>my program manages 75,380 nodes per second, is this high? someone once told me
>>>that a high node/sec count is not always good.
>>>Thanks everyone
>>What position are you measuring this on, is it a whole game?
>>How do you count the qnodes?
>>Be careful not to count the frontier interior nodes as qnodes.
>I do the following:
>int QSearch(int alpha, int beta, int turn)
> qnodes++;
>is this wrong? I guess that does count the endes where I only pass
>EvaluationFunction back, so maybe it should be after the if (MoveCount==0)
>return EvaluationFunction(SearchPosition);? Thanks

Yes I think you see the problem :)

The most natural thing would be to just count nodes generated and searched in
the qsearch. If you only count these your numbers will be much lower, sometimes
you get a standpat cutoff straight away, other times in the endgame with
sparsely populated boards there's practicly is no qsearch.

However if you do count the frontier nodes, you will always get high numbers
even when there are no captures and no qsearch.


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