Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Static Exchange Evaluation (SEE) for pruning in quiescence (?)

Author: Tord Romstad

Date: 08:57:03 08/21/03

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On August 19, 2003 at 15:21:23, Dan Andersson wrote:

> With one table you don't. You can have a second one for x-rays. Then you need
>only or them.

A simpe 'or' wouldn't be good enough, I think.  In most cases when you are
interested in x-ray attacks, you will also want to know what kind of piece
the x-ray is "radiating" through.

The idea is still interesting, though (and it seems that many people do
something similar).  I will take a look at it when I am desparate enough
about improving the speed of my engine (currently 150kn/s on a Pentium 4
2.4 GHz, and constantly dropping).


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