Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Crafty and NUMA

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 16:55:08 09/03/03

Go up one level in this thread

On September 03, 2003 at 19:23:46, Anthony Cozzie wrote:

>On September 03, 2003 at 11:53:58, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>>On September 03, 2003 at 08:12:55, Uri Blass wrote:
>>>On September 03, 2003 at 02:24:00, Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:
>>>>On September 02, 2003 at 22:34:49, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>>>>>>Been working a year fulltime now :)
>>>>>So?  It took you over a year to get your parallel search working.  It took
>>>>>me weeks.
>>>>In all fairness, he did a full DTS implementation, including rewriting the
>>>>program to a nonrecursive search, while you took an easy way out.
>>>I do not understand the need for non recursive search.
>>>I think that non recursive search simply limit your possibilities for future
>>>developement because the code is ugly and you need to write almost the same
>>>function again and again.
>>You don't do recursive calls, instead you have a loop that increments ply
>>and goes back to the top for the next level of the tree.  The reason this is
>>needed is that you want to be able to see the _entire_ tree, and tell a
>>processor to start work _there_ (at some specific ply where you are pretty
>>certain all moves need to be searched.)  WIth a recursive search, this is
>>very difficult to do.  It is easy to split the tree at the current ply, but
>>it is _very_ difficult to split somewhere else.
>>>If you want to change something in the search rules then you need to change your
>>>program in a lot of places.
>>No.  rather than recursive calls, you execute the same loop over and over, once
>>for each ply of the search...
>>>I guess that you need to write code for every possible depth that you get and in
>>>order to let your self to do extensions you need to write code for
>>>depth 10,depth 10 after one extension,depth 10 after 2 extensions, and you also
>>>need to limit the number of extensions at specific depth.
>>>You also limit your possibilities to extend because
>>>you cannot decide to extend more than one ply without modifying your code.
>>>>Diep's parallel performance does seem to be better than what you and I are
>>>I have no idea about Diep's parallel performance.
>>>I do not know about a single game of Diep on the new machine and I guess that we
>>>need to wait for november to see its performance.
>wouldn't it be easier to simply put all your recursive variables into some huge
>struct and essentially manage the stack yourself (while still traversing it with
>a recursive function over a loop) ?

It isn't so easy.  When I return from the "split point" I need to do special
things, but there is no way to go back and modify the call stack so that the
old call will now return to a different place...  I could do that, but not in
any way that would be remotely portable, in fact it would be specific to each
compiler and/or O/S used, which would be horribly ugly to support...

IE I am at ply 12, but I want to split with an idle processor at ply=6.  I
can't go back to my stack and modify things so that ply=6 returns to a different
point, to "unsplit" the tree...

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